
Monday, 30 September 2013

Rainy Day !!!!!!!!!

I just got back form the park and while we were walking it was raining I was screaming because it was raining. Man it was raining hard out.

Then we came back home and had a shower and came into the living room and watched t.v instead of playing outside.

See you later catch you up next time.

Mc donald time!!!!

Me and my mum went and ate macdonalds for dinner and once we got the reset we came straight back home and went on a website called to win 1 or 2 cars and get free cards everyday. That very cool I hope my mum wins that car because I want to get inside the car.

Sprinter time!!!!!!!

I had just finished playing 100 miles Sprinter this a cool game you have to use the left and right arrow to make the person run so cool. After that I wanted to post something about me playing Sprinter.

I really like that game!!!!!!!!!!!

FOR MY BREAFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For Breakfast I had 2 eggs on toast and a nice Hot Chocolate so it can fill me up. Now I just finished eating I am full. So can't wait for Lunch because I m eating chicken and potato salad YUMM


My favourite actor is Jennifer Lopez I wanted to post this so I know all about her.

Jennifer was one of the “Fly Girls” dancers on the TV comedy series “In Living Color. - INTODUCTION

Jennifer’s nickname at the gyms was “La Guitarra” because her body curved like a guitar. - JENS NICKNAME

Jen was was known as “The Supernova” in her Bronx 
neighborhood - NEIGHBORHOD NAME

T.V TIME!!!!!!!!

In the morning I always watch T.V. I watch Disney Channel. My favourite programe on Disney Channel is God Luck Charlie because there is a family who is very funny and also talented.

After  watched that I watched Alvin and the chipmunks it is very funny and very cool I wish I was with them they all look cute and wonderful.


For my breakfast I had 4 toasts and also eating scramble egg twice. After my breakfast I wanted to come and write about what I ate for breakfast. Bye see you guys later.


This is me in tired eyes because I feel sleepy because I woke up at 1:38 man that is so late. But next time I will wake up at 7:30 I hope I will tonight. Bye I have to go and play with my little cousin and my little brother.


MAN!!!! my mum is not going to wake up and I should go and cook scramble egg only if there is egg and maybe some toast and a hot chocolate milo. For my lunch I will only have fruit so I can be fit and for dinner we are still thinking what should we eat for dinner:) CANT WAIT UNTILL LUNCH

America's Cup we lost:(

I am so sad that we did win the Cup but congratulations Oracel you have done a great job keep it up.
Maybe next time we can have race so we can win the cup but cross your fingers if we will have another race and we will win that cup so we can bring it back home where it belongs :)

Pinata making for South America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This term we have been making South American pinatas so we can show to the 2 other classes and they are also seniors.First of all we all had a ballon so we blow the ballon a then tie the top so the air can not come out. After that we had to cut old newspaper out and then glue it on the ballon. Once we all finish Miss G had to come and hang it up on the hanging line. So we leave it to dry for 2 or 3 days then we can put anohter layer on top of the first layer so we have to have 8 layers before we can decorate because if you don't have eight layers then you won't have a pinata. 

Late on we had to pop the ballon and we had to glue white paper on top of the newspaper. So we leave to dry during the holidays Once we get to school next term we will decorate it and put lollies and scrap of paper inside of the pinata.

Here is a photo of a South American pinata that I an going to design next term. It is out of those 2 to design.

My Maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have very excited news when I went on Xtra maths it says that I have improved well in the holidays. All the time I go on Xtra Maths and also Math Whizz I love those 2 websited. 

Maybe next time I could improved more so I can prove that I am going to be good a maths. I just want to say to myself a WELL DONE FOR DOING LOTS OF MATHS.

Ten fast fingers !!!!!!!!!!!

I can believe that my score came up this is my highest score because I keep on practicing in the holiday an then my dream came true my highest score came I thought that my old highest score that is 49 came up but it did not thank you.

Maybe next time my highest score should be 79 I wish it was.

The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited

Going back to sleep$$$$

Right now I am tired of typing now I am going to bed so I can wake up and go onto ten fast fingers and also Math whizz. Maybe later I will post something about ten fast fingers or Math Whizz. See you guys later but in the morning I will make me breakfast before I post something about what I have done today. 

Have fun on the two weeks off school.

Time for Math Whizz!!!!!!!!!

Right now I am going on Math Whizz so I can get better and better at my basic facts. I am on stage 4 for basic facts and I am trying to get up to stage 5 by the end of the year. By the end of the year I am going to improved because I am going to the two websites to practice my basic facts and they are called Math Whizz and the other website is Xtra maths.

By the end of the year I am going to be very happy because I got up to stage 5 and my mum is going to be proud of me.

New Zealand got Talent, Replay !!!!!!!!!!

The channel that I am watching is the New Zealand got Talent replay it is very fun my favourite actors are the MDM they have 3 boys that are singing When I was your man by Bruno Mars that is my favourite song. Maybe next time I could sing it to other people that are shy and people that are so sad. See you guys later.

Morning Time!!!!!

Good morning everyone last night I woke up at 1:38 am and planned that I should come and post something to my blog about what I did last night. So I woke up and watched t.v and went and had some cereal at the kitchen. After that I came back and watched t.v while I am eating my breakfast. Later on I will do something else that is very fun instead of watching t.v.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

My dinner!!!!!!!! YUM

My dinner was Pork and Taro it was very nice of my mum and dad to cook my family dinner. Later on I came back and played on the computer some games and play music on youtube. 

My dinner was very yum now I feel hungry for some cake but I am so tired to get my cake.

Pinata ideas!!!!!!!!!

Right now I am searching up some ideas to decorate my pinata next term on the first day of school. The pinata that I like was having beautiful colored cones on the sides and cutting papers into pieces and putting it onto the pinata.

Maybe next time I will decided it with my partner Rachel so we know it so when we decorate the pinata we don't know what to do so we have to decide it with a partner. Bye see you later while I practice my basic facts and practice my typing.

Diary Day 3!!!! About Me

Me and my family are here sitting in the boring living room sitting here watching the boring t.v. While I was watching t.v I wanted to come and post something to my blog about me and my family watching t.v. So I decided to write about this.

This morning I wrote about me watching t.v and watching rugby with my dad. Maybe next time I can just do something like playing games or posting something to my blog.

Diary Day 3!!!!! ME


Finished eating a chocolate cake with blue and white cream on top. After when I ate that I came and took some photos of me. Later on I will watch Harry Potter and the dealthy tonight at 7:30. 

After that I will go straight to bed so I can sleep for tomorrow because tomorrow I will play and watch television all day.

The End see you later!!!!!!!!!!


                                                      BABYSITTING DAY!!!!!

In the holiday's all I am doing is babysitting my little cousin it is so boring. After that go I will be going outside with my cousin to play some rugby and to run around the wet grass.

While I am outside I will play hide and go seek with him because he likes playing that game.

Next time when I babysit I will make them a bottle of milk and a bottle of juice!!!!!!!

Here is a photo of him he looks very pretty and he is nice but he goes into the kitchen and get the plates out and he plays with it.

A photo of me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good afternoon everyone this is a another photo that my mum took while she was on the computer thank yo mum for putting this photo into my blog.

Thank you mum for all you have done so I can win that new bike love you!!!!!!!!

A photo of me and my brother!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a photo of me and my little brother. I took this photo because my little brother hit his head onto a hard window I feel sad for him.

The end

A photo of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everybody right now my mum took a photo of me and she said to me to post the photo to my blog then I said yeah I should post it to my blog.

After that my mum edited my photo 4 boxes.  Maybe later on I will ask my mum to do another photo and to post it onto my blog.


                                                      TEN FAST FINGERS PRACTICE

Me and my mum was on Ten Fast Fingers because my mum wanted to type faster then me. So we went on it and me and her was versing each other. I was so sad because she was beating me so has 101 and I only had 60. My mum types very fast faster then me. I hope I will catch up to you.

Diary day 2!!!!!

Good morning everyone and today is going to be fun better than yesturday I am going to watch Charlie and the Choclate factory. After I watched that I am just going to play outside with my teddy bear called John. 

While I am playing with my teddy bear I am going to come back inside have my shower and head straight to bed to sleep for tomorrow because I am going to the park in the morning tomorrow. 

                   Bye and see you later.

Saturday, 28 September 2013


I just finished sleeping my dad told me to sleep for 2 hours and I will wake up at 5:00 pm so I woke up and checked the time if it was 5 so I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

After that my dad told me to come and eat some fresh apples and some oranges for dinner and for lunch because I had no lunch while my mum is gone out somewhere. Later on I will plan to write some more recounts about my boring holiday tonight.



My exercise started 15 minutes ago I walked to shop 2 times so I can be very, very fit because i can not fit my clothes. After that i came back home and decided to post something about me walking to the shop 2 times.
Later on I will watch the X FACTOR REPLAY later on 7:30 pm I hope that are singing on stage has a clear voice. Perhaps I can just run around my room and play with my sisters and brothers.
                                                                       THE END



Today instead of watching t.v I should help my my Aunty do the laundry outside. The clothes that we are hanging up later are my school clothes because they are very dirty and they are very smelly as well. 

Later on we have to go to the shops to by me lollies because I helped my Aunty do my laundry and her laundry as well. After that I am going to come back and watch my boring t.v again in the middle of doing my laundry. EVERYONE HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY.


                                    GOODBYE ST PIUS. X

Today I am planning to just watch t.v for the school holidays watching t.v is so boring. I hope that today is going to be very fun watching lots of channels on television. 

Next term I hope that Room 3 is going to be very happy that they are back in school with their friends. 


Friday, 27 September 2013

Duffy Theatre

WOW ! everyone is excited about the duffy show. St Pius X is very happy that they are going to watch are very excited duffy show.

After morning there was a very excited experience in the school hall. Once everyone was at the hall we saw three people standing in the front they had to say their name and what the show was all about. The topic of the theatre was Duffy loses his words. Later on they went and got ready to perform in front of the whole school. They were here to tell us about reading and to experience acting.

Once they were ready we saw that they had names on their shirts and the names were Duffy, Afi and Scruffy they were very silly when they were acting. After that a teacher came out and said her name was Miss Arthur and she told Afi and Duffy to read a book.
So Afi came and read the book when she does not know how to read a book. While she was reading the book she stopped at a very hard word for her and she told Duffy to tell her what was that word and Duffy said to sound it out.  Afi read it again and she was trying to sound the word out but she still does not know how to say the word.
When Afi did not know how to say the word she went and told Duffy to tell her what the word is so when she went and ask Duffy to tell her he gave her the word so Afi was very happy.

I felt very happy that they came and tell us about reading and sharing their reading with us and I really enjoyed the show about Duffy loses his words.

My favourite part was when Afi could not sound the word out from the book and then she went and she went and told the word to Duffy so when Duffy told her the word she was very happy that she got the word off Duffy.

I hope they come again in the near future to tell us more about reading.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Kids 4 Kids Concert

On a beautiful morning there were 15 different schools attending the Kids 4 Kids at the Life Convention Centre, Mangere. Room 3 was going to represent our school. Room 3 was very excited because that was Room 3’s first time going to the Life Convention Centre to sing and dance.

Once we got to the centre we were very anxious because we would be on stage and singing and there would be an audience looking at us singing, we were all feeling very scared. When we got inside we had to sit down on these comfortable chairs and wait for Chris to come up on the stage and say the names of the schools so we could sit down on uncomfortable chairs on stage. Chris came up on stage and said “Hi everyone, this is Kids for Kids rehersal”. Chris called the names of the schools, I felt nervous waiting for us to be called. We got up and walked up onto the stage and we had to sit on these bouncy, uncomfortable benches, the benches were planks of wood that really hurt us when we sat down too long.

Once everyone was sitting on the chairs Dayna and Chris called Jackie Clark and Nathan King to come on stage to introduce themselves to everyone. Once Jackie and Nathan finished talking Jackie said that we had to sing a song called Haere Mai. We never knew that we had to do actions with the song. The actions were to wave your hand when we sang Haere Mai. After that we kept on going with the first half. After the first half we had to go and have our morning tea, we were all feeling very hungry. While we were eating Dayna said “If you need some fresh air you can take a walk outside but you are not allowed play on the grass because it is wet”.

Later on after morning tea we all had to go back on stage and do the second half.  Once Jackie and Nathan got up on the stage Jackie said “Can everyone sing Gumboots.”. So we all sang Gumboots and once it was finished we had to wait for the next song and it was called Glorfillia so we sang the song. After the second half we had to come back from the stage and walk quietly outside where our bus was.

Once we got to the bus we had to hop inside the bus so we can go  back to school. Once everyone was in the bus Mrs Deeney had to count the children to make sure everyone was in the bus. She said “finally everyone is in the bus so we can go”. The bus driver drove on the road. Some of us were very tired in the bus, we were beginning to sleep while the others were talking. I felt very sleepy because I was on that stage too long and the lights were very hot.

My favourite thing about Kids 4 Kids was eating my healthy lunch and the other thing was singing Haere Mai because I like waving my hands lots.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


                                                  Matthew 25:36

Physical                      Getting our bodies very healthy.
Social Well Being:           Having a family and friend to support
Mental Well Being:         Being able to tell others what you think and

Spiritual Well Being:        Being able to believe in God.

Monday, 16 September 2013

My Dream came true.

On a beautiful morning I woke up and my dream came true, we are going to the Life Convention Center in Mangere. The first thing we did was to get our morning tea only so we could put it into a bag. After that we had to walk to the bus at the bottom of the hill. Once we got to the center we were very scared that we would be on stage with 15 other schools in Auckland that are going to sing with us on stage. I was very anxious that I was going to be on stage.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Filming Reflection

For the Film Festival 2013 Room 3 has a part for the Film Festival and the topic for our film is Success. First of all we had to get into groups and planned everything that we needed to do into a storyboard before we filmed it. Everyone must be actors, a director or a camera operator so everyone can be in the movie.

When everyone had finished planning it and putting everything into a storyboard we all had to go and film. Some people went outside and filmed it and some people just filmed it in the classroom. In our movie we have to show what Success means.

Once one group has finished the director and the teacher sat down and edited the movie making sure everything was in the right place.

When the teacher and the director had edited the movie we had to watch the it and discuss how to make the movie even better so it can look really interesting to the audience.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Rugby League Reflection

Last week we just started playing League with Cuma and he is a player from the Junior Warriors.

The first thing Cuma told us was have eat breakfast and if you don’t have breakfast you will have to do 5 star jumps and the second thing was to know to bring a water bottle and if you don’t bring a water bottle you will have to do 10 star jumps.

After that we had to play a game called Simon says. The aim is when Cuma says “simon says do but flicks” then everyone has to do but flicks and if he says “do bear crawl” you are not supposed to do bear crawl because he did not say simon says at the beginning.

After we played simon says we had to practise some skills from League like passing and catching.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Maths Reflection

Today in maths I was practising my basic facts so I can understand what basic facts are and I was on Xtra Maths. The other main thing was Math Whizz I was doing fractions and practising my maths skills. There are the two websites that we can go on is Xtra Maths and Math Whizz.

The stage that I am on for maths is stage 4 and I am always trying to get up to stage 6 that is the stage that I am supposed to be on right now. I do like maths because I like practising my basic facts so I can get better at basic facts and also practising my maths skills by going on Math Whizz. Using the tutor we do activities with the teacher. I am not that good at maths, but I do try.

Monday, 2 September 2013

St Pius. X Feast day.

On a very sunny day it was an exciting day, it was St Pius X feast day. First thing in the morning we had to go to the church. Once we got to the church we had to sit on the seats and wait for Father to come. We waited for everyone to sit down so we could start our mass. The teachers and the students were so quiet while we were waiting. Hendrix went and said his part and when he had finished his reading we had to stand up and sang while Father is walking in the isle. Once he got to the front we stopped singing and we had to say the sign of the cross in maori and then we carried on with the mass.

After the mass we had to go to eat our massive cake that says Happy Feast day St Pius X. Once everyone was ready Mrs Tui said “ Can everyone sing a song called Happy Feast day St Pius”. After we sang the song Mrs Tui and Miss Ana went and cut the cake into pieces and they had to give it out to each class. Once everyone finished their cake they had to go and have morning tea. So Mrs Williams told Room 3 to go and get their morning tea.

After morning tea we went to line up so we can go and sing our talents to everyone so Room 1 and 2 went up and sang a song and carried on with the concert. After that Room 3 came up to the stage and sang two songs that was called ‘Something in the Water’ and ‘Haere Mai’. My favourite item was Room 3 ‘s item because Tokilupe and Ezra had wonderful voices. After the concert we had to go and eat our lunch.

After lunch time we had to go and see Linda playing her instrument called a Euphonium. Some students wanted her to play the instrument. So she played the Euphonium, the song that she played was Twinkle Twinkle little star and some songs the she has played at her church. Linda told us that she played the Euphonium from when she was 10 yrs old and she has been in concerts. The person that taught her to play the Euphonium was her dad because he had been in concerts before playing a Euphonium.

Later on Linda asked Mrs Tui if we can have a huge photo of us and Linda, Mrs Logan’s daughter went up the stairs and took the photo. Once she took the photo we all went to the basketball tournament at the tennis courts.  Once everyone was at the tennis courts we had to start the game. When the game had started Tuis was starting to win the game.

After the basketball tournament we had to go back to class so we can go home. We came inside the classroom and got our bags and went and lined up outside. What an awesome day we had.